With school loans being gone for the summer, Brent and I were left to our own devices to pay rent and bills. It feels great to work and make money and pay for things on our own without help from the government (in the form of loans and debt). I can't wait for school to be over so we can fend for ourselves and live without collecting more debt.
We were both lucky to find jobs with different schedules so one of us is always with the little one. I work at a local cafe, and am enjoying the work there, in the mornings and afternoons a few times a week. Brent works at a call center on campus in the evenings. We also buy and sell things on the side and are doing pretty well on eBay right now. And the plasma center is still enjoying Brent's service there twice a week.
We're both enjoying time with the little one (LO). He is not so little anymore. He's getting big, going down the slides at the playground on his own, working on saying words everyday (today's new word is 'bubble'), and just as happy as ever. Where did my baby go?
Since we've been so busy, the house was getting into disarray often. With Brent's strong encouragement, I came up with a cleaning schedule for us. Here it is:
We've been using it a couple weeks now and it's going pretty well. I love having something to refer to each day. It helps me break down all the mess around me and see what needs to get done that day. There are days that we don't get everything done on the list that we should, but it's still a help to get some done and see our accomplishments.
I thought I would share it with all of you because it might be something you could use yourself (modified) in your own circumstances. Do any of you do something similar? What are your strategies to keeping your home clean?