Baby E is 6 weeks old and I'm amazed at the differences between him and his older brother already. I didn't think there would be many differences so soon, but there are.
Train Lover Baby E
- had lots of dark blond hair - has a lot of long, dark brown hair
- weighed 9 lbs. 8 oz. - weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz.
- hated baths - loves baths
- hated tummy time - loves being on his tummy
- needed to be swaddled to sleep - loves being free and calms himself
and calm down by touching his face
- would only nurse using a nipple - nurses great most of the time (still working
shield on not pinching me)
- normal tongue - tongue tied and got a frenulectomy
- loved being rocked - likes being still unless he can't calm down
I'm sure there will be more differences as the time passes. As different as these boys are, I love them both tremendously. They have brought me so much joy and happiness. I can't imagine life without them. I'm so glad I get to be a mommy for them!
Cute boys! We afre ao happy for you. Please may I have your mailing address? {lease email